Using the Bill Me Payment Option

When purchasing, selecting Bill Me creates an order to which payment can later be applied.

If desired, the Bill Me payment option can be enabled via the Business Unit—if the Bill Me payment option is not enabled, it will not be visible during the checkout process.

Tip: The system-wide Bill Me option is, by default, visible only to staff users as they purchase products on behalf of customers in the system. Bill Me can also be enabled for non-staff by enabling Bill Me on the price itself, on a price-by-price basis. See Allowing Non-Staff Access to the Bill Me Payment Option for more on this configuration.

An image of the shopping cart checkout page, highlighting the "Bill Me" payment option.

Tip: For more on enabling payment methods in your system, see Setting up Payment Methods in the Business Unit

To pay via the Bill Me payment option:

  1. On the Submit Order screen of the product checkout process, locate the Payment Options section.
  2. Select the desired batch in the Post to Batch field.

Note: If the payment options associated with the batch selected do not include Bill Me, then the Bill Me payment option will not appear.

  1. Select the Bill Me payment option.
  2. The Bill Me payment option permits users to create an open order (that is, no invoice is created) OR an order and an invoice. To create an open order only, ensure that the Create an Invoice check box is unchecked. To create an order and an invoice, ensure that the Create an Invoice check box is checked.
  3. Click the Submit Your Order button.

Automatically Creating an Invoice When Using Bill Me

When using the Bill Me payment method during checkout, the Create an Invoice check box is, by default, deselected. However, if you would prefer the system always select this check box during checkout, the Always Create Invoice for Bill Me configuration setting can be enabled. Users with access to the Configurations App > Setup can find this option under the Shopping Panel.

For additional information on this and other configuration settings, see the help topic, Managing Configuration Settings.

"Create Invoice for Bill Me," under the Configuration App > Settings

Making the Bill Me Option Available to Customers

By default, the Bill Me payment option is available only to staff users. It can, however, be made available to certain customers on the price creation level.

For information on making the Bill Me option accessible to customers, see the help topic: Managing Price Details.